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Get Started with Blitz


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Set Up Your Computer

You need Node.js 16 or newer. You can verify this by running node -v in your terminal. If you don't have Node or need a newer version, we recommend using a node version manager like fnm. That will allow you to change node versions and even have different versions for each project.

Install Blitz

Run yarn global add blitz@alpha or npm install -g blitz@alpha.


Windows users must ensure the result of yarn global bin is in PATH in order to use yarn globally. To use yarn within Git Bash on Windows, ensure the result of yarn global bin is exported to PATH within .bash_profile.

Create a New App

  1. blitz new myAppName
  2. cd myAppName
  3. blitz dev
  4. View your brand new app at http://localhost:3000

Welcome to the Blitz Community 👋

The Blitz community is warm, safe, diverse, inclusive, and fun!

Join our Discord Community where we help each other build Blitz apps. It's also where we collaborate on building Blitz itself.

For questions and longer form discussions, post in our forum.

For a full introduction, read How the Community Operates. This details everything, including how to get help, how to report bugs, how to suggest new features, etc.

You are invited to help make Blitz the best it can be! 🤝

We have an awesome community that's working together to make Blitz the best framework the world has ever seen.

How you can help:

  1. Report bugs by opening an issue on GitHub
  2. Contribute code: Read the contributing guide so see how to get started.
  3. Sponsorships & donations, which start at $5/month
  4. Any other way you want! We totally appreciate any type of contribution, such as documentation, videos, blog posts, etc. If you have an unusual idea, feel free to run it past us in Discord! :)

Idea for improving this page? Edit it on GitHub.